1L Summer Internship, 1L/2L Summer Associate Program, and Active Duty Applications Now Open
The Army JAG Corps hires first and second-year law students to serve as paid legal interns in JAG Corps offices worldwide (within the continental United States for first-year interns). JAG Corps summer interns work as temporary civil service employees performing a variety of legal assignments. Interns do not incur any military service obligation by serving in the JAG Corps Summer Intern Programs.
Summer interns gain first-hand experience of life in the JAG Corps through complete integration in an Army legal office as valued team members. The internship is a unique opportunity to learn more about the Army and to see if becoming a Judge Advocate is right for you.
Second-year summer interns work in JAG Corps offices worldwide, while first-year students work at offices within the continental United States. All interns must pay for their travel and lodging costs. However, all interns, including those who work overseas, have sponsors who will assist with housing searches and other needs. Interns work at many of the major Army installations listed below.
"I think many students know nothing about military culture or what the JAG Corps actually is, or they are intimidated by the idea of a faceless "Army." If you want to work in government or public interest law, the JAG Corps should be on your short list. For people who want a career in a supportive, team environment, the JAG Corps is one of the best."
Shannon Auvil, University of Alabama School of Law
"First, I loved the team atmosphere in the JAG Corps. There is a real camaraderie in the JAG Corps that I have not seen anywhere else. The attorneys are not competing with each other to "make partner," and everyone is truly working together for the good of the Army and the United States. It was great to see everyone working hard toward this common goal and having fun while doing it. Second, the I learned this summer that the JAG Corps is a great opportunity to work in all different areas of the law. I like the idea of switching jobs every few years and practicing a different area of law. This is a great way to challenge oneself and grow as a person and a lawyer."
Dominic Barceleau, Notre Dame Law School
"I received more than an ample amount of feedback and guidance from my supervisors. At no point was I ever left in the dark or confused with the work I was assigned. The feedback I received on my work product especially while in Administrative and Civil law has helped me improve my legal reasoning and writing skills."
Thomas Baroni, Pace University School of Law
"Not only was the internship extremely interesting, but I actually looked forward to coming to work"
Michael Brown, Drexel University School of Law
"The legal work performed by Judge Advocates is complex and interesting. I've worked for a law firm, a district attorney's office, and a federal judge, and the JAG Corps by far provides the most hands-on, practical legal experience. During my internship, I observed new attorneys advising Army commanders, supervising large-scale administrative investigations, and handling entire criminal trials. I am excited to apply to the JAG Corps and hopefully join the ranks of such an impressive group of professionals."
Christian Elliott, Temple University School of Law
"I enjoyed a summer filled with engaging work, honorable people/families, cultural experiences, and travel opportunities. My chief reason for recommendation is the opportunity for complete immersion with a group of practicing Judge Advocates in a real environment. My internship provided the opportunity to observe and experience life as a Judge Advocate in Italy."
Andrew Culliver, Houston College of Law
"All of the officers in each section made themselves available and shared advice based on their experiences. Each officer had unique insights into both leadership and the JAG Corps. Over the course of the summer, all of my questions were met with thoughtful and generous responses. Officers went out of their way to make me feel included and to help mentor me in each of their respective fields."
Robert Daniell, Penn State Dickinson School of Law
"The internship encouraged a lifestyle that most persons in law aspire to create in their own life, a well-rounded and effective one. I was tasked with assignments that would directly assist either an individual or the Army as a whole. Each day, I was involved in different issues and trusted with research and writing opportunities that directly assisted whomever needed it. Few times are young lawyers enabled such direct involvement in real legal issues so early and even more rare is the opportunity to see your work directly help a person or an organization. Through my internship, I was involved in and witnessed both, as an intern."
Derek Molyneaux, University of Richmond School of Law
"I would recommend this internship without hesitation. It has been the best legal professional experience I have ever had. Moreover, it has taught me a great deal about leadership, a skill that is invaluable in any work place."
Elisabeth Maddrell, Ohio State University School of Law
"My time at Fort Bliss has truly exceeded my expectations, and for that I am extremely grateful. I have learned such a great deal about the Army, the JAG Corps, being a lawyer, and even about myself. Each day, I was presented opportunities my peers in law school will not otherwise get from a law firm experience. I learned new things constantly! I was put into a challenging environment in which I was forced to push myself--and for me, that is the best way to live."
Kristen O'Keeffe, Suffolk University Law School
"I would highly recommend the internship. I really appreciated the breadth of practice areas and that the legal issues had real-world impact. The lawyers and paralegals who I worked with were great, the legal questions were interesting, and I really liked the office culture. Doing interesting work and meaningful public service with a great group of people was a fantastic way to spend my summer."
Eric Smith, Stanford Law School
"This summer, I got the chance to work with dedicated people who care deeply about their work, are committed to service, and take their responsibilities very seriously. I cannot think of a better environment to work and grow in professionally."
Alice Wade, Cardozo School of Law