This post deployment legal readiness review has been prepared to assist you in identifying and resolving common legal issues that arise during or shortly after mobilization or deployment. This review is not legal advice and is therefore not specifically tailored to your unique situation. It is solely designed to help you identify legal issues and then provide information about free and confidential legal services available to you or your family members that will help ensure your legal affairs are in order. Legal services are provided to you confidentially and at no cost by your local legal assistance office to help you focus on your military duties and, if deployed or mobilized, return home safely. Legal services are provided to Soldiers on active duty for more than thirty (30) days at no cost. Reserve component Soldiers who have recently served a tour of active duty remain eligible for legal assistance from active component legal assistance offices for twice the length of their deployment. For instance, an Army Reserve Soldier called to active duty for a period of six months could continue to seek legal assistance services for a period of approximately one year after demobilization.
NOTE: No personally identifiable information is stored on this computer or in this application. Ensure that you e-mail and/or print the Certificate of Completion and Confidential Report, as needed, before you close the program.
You must complete the survey in it's entirety otherwise once the program is closed you will have to answer the survey questions again in order to print and/or email the Certificate of Completion and the Confidential Report.
The following legal review is divided into 9 sections consisting of 27 separate topics that Soldiers have identified as the cause of legal problems following mobilization or deployment. It should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
1. Answer the questions by clicking on the appropriate response.
As you complete each legal topic, you may receive helpful information regarding that topic based on how you answered the questions. Review this information carefully. This same information will be available in the form of a Confidential Legal Report
2. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. Print or e-mail the Certificate of Completion. E-mail a copy to yourself as a back-up.
The second step in the review will be preparing the Certificate of Completion. After you generate the Certificate of Completion you will have the option of printing or emailing the certificate to yourself and/or a member of your chain of command such as the S1 or personnel office. This will serve as proof that you have completed the legal review for purposes of Deployment Cycle Support processing or in- and out-processing. This Certificate of Completion serves as proof that you have completed many (but not all) of the requirements under "Legal" in the Deployment Cycle Support.
3. CONFIDENTIAL LEGAL REPORT. E-mail to yourself or print the Confidential Legal Report to use when you speak privately with legal assistance counsel.
After completing the review, you will have the option of emailing to yourself and printing (when available) the Confidential Legal Report which consists of information regarding those legal topics that you have identified as areas of concern. Make sure you have access to your e-mail or a paper copy of the Confidential Legal Report to use when you consult with the staff of your local legal assistance office and to consult with a legal assistance attorney as needed. THIS IS A CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO BE SHARED ONLY WITH YOUR PERSONAL LEGAL COUNSEL.
Once you have closed the review application you will not be able to access your Certificate of Completion or your Confidential Legal Report so it is important that you email or print them if you desire to reference them at a later date. The report contains personal information about you and should be safeguarded. Destroy it when no longer needed.
Remember, the usefulness of this review wholly depends on the accuracy of information YOU provide so answer carefully and truthfully to help ensure you and your family are legally prepared, especially for deployment or mobilization.