Foreign Claims Commissions Resources
I. Commander's Guidance
a. Memorandum General Counsel of the DoD, Sub: Claims Responsibility - USCENTCOM Area of Responsibility
II. Budget
a. Please contact us for the Budget SOP
III. Lessons Learned
a. Price Bulletin Jan10 - Afghan
b. Afghan Livestock Market Assessment 15 Sept 2009
c. After Action Reports (AARs) from CLAMO - Click on "After Action Reports" in the Categories column on the left
IV. Detainee Abuse
a. Memorandum Secretary of Defense, Sub: Processing of Claims by Iraqi Detainees based on Allegations of Personal Injury/Abuse and Mistreatment
b. Detainee Claims Packet - Checklist
V. Standard Operations Procedure (SOP)
a. 2010 Iraqi FCC Legal Guide
b. Claims Processing Flow Chart
VI. FCC Appointment Requests
a. Sample Appointment Memorandum
VII. Lesson Plans
a. FCC use of TSCA Overview Slides
b. General Lease Instruction and Worksheet
c. FCC Training Presentation
d. FCC Quiz
e. TSCA User Orientation
f. UCO Training
VIII. Application
a. TSCA Database Link
b. Claims Shipment Index
IX. USC and Other Legal Authority
a. Foreign Claims Act (10 USC Section 2734)
b. Military Claims Act (10 USC Section 2733)
c. DOD Instruction 5515.08
d. AR 27-20
e. DA Pamphlet 27-162
f. AR 405-15
X. Operational Law Handbook - See Chapter 8
XI. Sample Claims Card
a. sample Iraq claims card.doc
b. sample afghan claims card.doc
XII. Sample Claims Forms
a. Claim Form (Arabic and English)
Contact the Foreign Torts Branch, United States Army Claims Service (USARCS)
Visit the Claims Community of Practice on milBook for the most up-to-date discussions and resources