The Army Procurement Fraud Division aggressively pursues contractors who engage in fraud on Army contracts and potentially risk the lives of its military members by providing inferior equipment and services.
The Army Procurement Fraud Division:
Processes, coordinates, and monitors all criminal, civil, contractual and administrative actions involving contract fraud or corruption perpetrated against the Department of the Army.
Administers the Army Procurement Fraud Program world-wide.
Supports the Army Suspension and Debarment Official (SDO) as well as the Army's Regional SDOs in Korea and Germany and xecutes SDO decisions on all Suspension and Debarment actions.
Reports contractors suspended or debarred by the SDO to the General Services Administration (GSA) for addition to the list of excluded contractors as set forth in the GSA System for Award Management (SAM).
Assists the Department of Justice in all criminal and civil litigation matters concerning fraud related cases within the Department of the Army.
The Army SDO and Regional Army SDOs protect the Army by insuring that the Army deals only with responsible contractors. The Army SDO has world-wide jurisdiction over Army lead Suspension and Debarment cases and is supported by two Regional SDOs, one in Korea and one in Germany, who handle cases unique to their theater of responsibility. The Suspension and Debarment Program serves as the Army's tool for preventing dishonest or poor performing contractors from receiving new Army contracts. The Army and Regional SDOs are committed to preserving the integrity of the procurement process and make decisions based on the evidence in each case as well as the best interests of the Army.