General: The ALMO course presents both basic instruction and current developments in areas of interest to practitioners in administrative law assignments. The Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) Course Number is 5F-F24. This year’s course will occur entirely online via Zoom for Government. Students may qualify for CLE credit, depending on their state bars. An online in-processing sheet will be sent to each course attendee and must be completed no later than 4 October to receive CLE credit.
Prospective students should contact their legal administrator to enroll in the course through ATRRS (course number 5F-F24). If the prospective student’s unit does not have any slots available in ATRRS, the legal administrator should add the student to the waitlist. PLEASE ENROLL IN THE COURSE IN ATRRS NO LATER THAN 4 OCTOBER 2024.
Course Dates: 15-18 October 2024.
Training Location: Distributed Learning via Zoom for Government – The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center & School, U. S. Army, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Length: 3.5 days.
Scope: Topics covered during the ALMO Course include the following: garrison legal issues, fiscal law, environmental law, civilian personnel law, government information practices, standards of conduct, administrative investigations, sexual harassment, separation boards, and medical disability law. Most of the classes taught during this Army course present areas of law that are of general applicability to all services, with a focus on installation-related legal issues. However, some of the material is Army-specific. Students may receive optional training in professional responsibility.
Prerequisites: Military attorneys, civilian attorneys, or paralegals employed by the U.S. Government who work in or are pending assignment to administrative law positions. Attorneys who have attended the ALMO, JAOAC, OBC, or the Graduate Course within the past two years are not eligible to attend this course. Similarly, attorneys who have more than five years of experience in administrative and civil law are not eligible to attend.
Course Manager: MAJ Jonathan Patton. Please direct any questions or issues to him by e-mail at