The 19th Judge Advocate Warrant Officer Basic Course graduated on 22 June at TJAGLCS. The 19th is the first class to graduate from an expanded 6-week curriculum.
CW3 Tammy Richmond (XO, Student Detachment), CW4 Jennifer Young (Chief Warrant Officer, TJAGLCS), WO1 Mikie Brown, WO1 Christian Reyes, WO1 Ana Warner (Honor Graduate), COL David Diner (Dean and Graduation Speaker), WO1 Donna Cordero, WO1 Rebekah Stuyvesant (Commandant’s List), WO1 Gloria Jackson, CW4 Dorene Matheis (Course Manager), CW4 Scott Higdon (Chief Warrant Officer of the JAG Corps)
WO1 John McGuire, WO1 Juan Santiago, WO1 Robert Harshbarger, WO1 Ryan Macaulay, WO1 Jason Lawson, WO1 Richard Eswine, WO1 Vicente Ramos, CW3 C. Alan West (Distinguished Honor Graduate and Class Leader)