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Soldiers from the 214th LSO (MN & WI) mobilized in support of the 1st ID OSJA at Ft. Riley KS
Soldiers from the 214th LSO (MN & WI) mobilized in support of the 1st ID OSJA at Ft. Riley KS. From Left to Right - Front row: SSG Dennis Coslett , SSG Leah Gabrielson, SGT Chantelle Weimer, SPC Kent Holland SGT Nathan Butzler; Middle Row: MAJ Matthew Rusch, LTC Todd Corbo, LTC Nate Reitz, CPT Dan Krause, MAJ Kevin Roberge; Back Row: SGM Terry Pahl, LTC Samuel Wertheimer, MAJ Peter Swanson.
- 214th_20LSO_20Mobilized_20Reservists_20II.jpg